Healing Hand

Healing Hand


White gold filled and cz Fatima healing hand center piece, Moonstone, silver flowers and toggle clasp 17"

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We choose how we present ourselves to the world on a daily basis. The colors and materials we wear have a subconscious meaning and can further support us emotionally, mentally, and energetically. Since our energies are constantly shifting, I wanted to create something that was a constant. My intention with Healing Hand is to offer a visually stunning piece with a source of protection and support for you hence the Hand of Fatima as the centerpiece. Fatima’s Hand dates back to the second millennium originating in the ancient city of Carthage now known as Tunisia. Throughout history, this symbol has been commonly used as an amulet for protection, strength, and to ward off any negative energies that are trying to enter and pollute your field. In combination with the peaceful properties of the moonstone, this piece offers a protective and grounding energy that you can take with you wherever you may go. The blue and iridescent hues evoke serenity, unconditional love, and peace which I hope to help generate through this piece.